I added the Gutenberg block plugin that I use @ work.

This theme seems to have a few different page layouts that you can try out to see what works best for you. Otherwise, you can browse for another free theme that you like better. These block layouts should work regardless of what theme is installed, but the width that they’re allowed to occupy may vary between themes.

Free Themes

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas feugiat, ex non bibendum aliquet, elit diam tempor velit, eget consectetur magna magna sit amet lacus. Donec dapibus in metus in suscipit. Aenean iaculis ultrices libero, at rutrum erat accumsan eu. Curabitur in pretium urna, a aliquam lectus.

Hugh Mongus

Donec dapibus in metus in suscipit. Aenean iaculis ultrices libero, at rutrum erat accumsan eu. Curabitur in pretium urna, a aliquam lectus. Cras pellentesque euismod odio, eu placerat orci porttitor id. Integer faucibus imperdiet nisi. Mauris ornare, orci et egestas condimentum, mauris lorem pulvinar purus, et pulvinar ante diam quis lorem. Integer quis eleifend justo. Praesent non augue tempor, tempus ante non, faucibus dui. Sed id ex nec justo placerat aliquet. Aenean eget magna neque. Suspendisse facilisis nec est eget tristique.

Hugh Mongus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas feugiat, ex non bibendum aliquet, elit diam tempor velit, eget consectetur magna magna sit amet lacus. Donec dapibus in metus in suscipit. Aenean iaculis ultrices libero, at rutrum erat accumsan eu. Curabitur in pretium urna, a aliquam lectus. Cras pellentesque euismod odio, eu placerat orci porttitor id. Integer faucibus imperdiet nisi. Mauris ornare, orci et egestas condimentum, mauris lorem pulvinar purus, et pulvinar ante diam quis lorem. Integer quis eleifend justo. Praesent non augue tempor, tempus ante non, faucibus dui. Sed id ex nec justo placerat aliquet. Aenean eget magna neque. Suspendisse facilisis nec est eget tristique. Morbi sagittis vulputate blandit. Ut ut ornare ante. Proin nec odio vel mauris sodales porta vel non tortor. Mauris vehicula risus sed arcu tincidunt, in laoreet sapien maximus. Donec non elit vel nibh sagittis tempus. Suspendisse aliquet lectus quis tincidunt hendrerit. Cras pretium maximus metus eget molestie.

Hugh Mongus

Create multi-column layouts with the Grid Container and Box blocks.

See the block layout panel to reveal how blocks can be nested within each other to compose complex layouts.

Feel free to get creative with nesting blocks.

Here i’ve taken the same experience that was above this block, and nested inside another box, which adds the extra padding around the 2 column experience.

You can also Copy and Paste layouts.

Use your familiar keyboard short-cuts to copy and paste whole layouts. Just make sure to select the block you want to copy, and it will put everything (including children) on your clipboard.

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